Tuesday, September 26, 2006

losing afghanistan

i love how our own media outlets blatently spin and skew stuff so that we won't worry about anything in our plastic bubble of "security" and consumerism. Losing Afghanistan. Thanks Newsweek!


Carol Soules said...

What on Earth??
I can't believe my eyes..... the contrast of those to covers (and I am sure the articles) is beyond shocking. Why is Europe getting Newsweek's story on "Losing Afghanistan" and "we" are getting photographer Annie Leibovitz's "My Life in Pictures" ?????

That is insane!!!!

Chris TerryNelson said...

Hey Ben,
Didn't realize you had started this awesome blog!
Hope you're doing well buddy!


Carol Soules said...

Well... I just could not fathom it so I walked up to Hastings tonight and looked at the cover of Newsweek for myself. Sure enough....it is as you say..... Leibovitz's life in pictures. Ugh!

greenezo said...

yeah its pretty awesome huh? what the hell.

Carol Soules said...

hear they gave some lame explanation about having already done some hard hitting cover stories on Afghanistan and Iraq in their US edition..and that their editions are frequently different blah blah blah....
they are also getting hit for referring to Annie's (lesbian) life partner (now deceased) Susan Sontag as her close friend or something....whateeeevvveeerr....