Tuesday, January 08, 2008


the break in cold weather certainly calls for rejoicing.
a while back colleen gave me an atom and his package album which i enjoyed but lost in the shuffle of music mayhem in my head until today. now i'm enjoying it thoroughly again.
our house is housetastic. maybe we'll be done with the upstairs by soon.
Lexi (correction on previous spelling) is rad. she impresses me daily with how quickly she learns.
i miss skateboarding. going on 3+ months and 10lbs since I set foot on my skate.
playing music with rad people again is super fun. maybe i'll post some samples someday.
i'm gonna miss my friends when they move to california in three weeks.
pogues and terrynelsons march 15 new york city. heck yes. i'm not missing this one for any damn snow storm.
anybody out there need a carpenter?

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