Tuesday, January 09, 2007

five seconds

doh. hey its january time for a ramble. it snowed a bit tonight. awesome. christmas and new years were a rockin time. went by in a blur of friends, family and a bit of traveling. working on sill replacement up in leverett these days. my favorite work. not really. reading some good books by Behan and Joyce. but still have a paper to finish. double doh. jess and i have been watching a ton of Futurama. super. happy 21st birthday kristin! thanks to the random person that paid for our drinks intentionally or unintentionally. i have quite a few photos of recent events. only time for a couple now, gotta go pull bread out of the breadmaker (a dark sandwich bread made with stout and sweetened with a bit of brown sugar). tasty. hey brett is coming home early. radtastic!

1 comment:

Carol Soules said...

WooHoo NYC...fun,fun... and... more to come. Enjoy... but if that gas smell comes back - head home! HA!