Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Hidden Story

Just devoted 50 min to watching this riviting report as I struggle to find statistics on civilian deaths in Iraq for a final project. Iraq: The Hidden Story I highly recommend watching this piece, there are several intensly disturbing images, so please beware. But, I think this represents a part of the picture of the escalating violence and the removed nature of those in power/those occupying that we will not see in the U.S.

1 comment:

Carol Soules said...

I got thru only about 10 minutes and i consider myself to be somewhat of a news junkie. The incredibly harsh realities of Iraq, Darfur and the prison camps in No. Korea and other similar plights and blights are just not reported with this kind of reality. But then I wonder if they were, how long would it take us to become desensitized to even that? Seems like the only "real" response is to become numb. It is just too horrible and most of the time it feels totally impossible to make a difference.

Well, I hope your research on the topic is coming along well.