Tuesday, November 28, 2006

the end of things

i know its getting to be (really) towards the end of the semester when the corner of my right eye starts twichting from the stress. as always there is tons to do, only now the tons of stuff to be done has told me my time is up and I better hurry up and finish, or face certain doom at the hands of my professors. oh that I where doing less, and could actually enjoy/put a lot of energy into just a few things, and do them really well. it is odd that as i get closer and closer to the end of my tenure as a grad student i become less and less sure that i am actually going to be able to pull everything together and finish. and this semester, unlike last, and the last before that, i don't have a few hours week to look forward to skating on the ramp. damn dampness, damn lack of tarp.


Carol Soules said...

I cannot post pictures on the comments section so I will have to post the one that accompanies this entry on my blog (Musings...) :-)
Hang in there Schnizle, it will all work out. It always does. Somehow.

Chris TerryNelson said...

right there with ya, dude.

tzg said...

love the pic that cabs put up of you. i actually wish i were right back there with all of you, stressing out about the end of the semester, but feeling that sense of accomplishment that comes with working toward a goal. motivation is such a blessing.